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Сезон 2009-2010 Олимпийский! Часть 3

Татьяна: Расписание этапов Гран при: 15 - 18 Oct Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Trophie Eric Bompard Cachemire Paris, France http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpfra09/index.htm 22 - 25 Oct Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Rostelecom Cup Moscow, Russia http://www.isuresults.com/results/gprus09/index.htm 29 Oct - 1 Nov Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Cup of China Beijing, China http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpchn09/index.htm 5 - 8 Nov Grand Prix of Figure Skating - NHK Trophy Nagano, Japan http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpjpn09/index.htm 12 - 15 Nov Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Skate America Lake Placid, USA Сайт: http://www.skateamerica2009.com/index.php Результаты: http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpusa09/index.htm 19 - 22 Nov Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Skate Canada Kitchener, ON, Canada http://www.isuresults.com/events/fsevent00011095.htm 3 - 6 Dec Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final(combined juniors and seniors) Tokyo, Japan http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpf0910/index.htm Чемпионат Европы Tallinn / EST 18.01.2010 - 24.01.2010 Сайт ЧЕ: http://www.euroskate2010.eu/?lang=ru Результаты: http://www.isuresults.com/events/fsevent00011104.htm

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timoty: Лика, спасибо! А по-нашему это во сколько?

Лика: По Москве это 22.00 Вот новая интересная статья на английском, о выступлении на ЧР Домниной-Шабалина, с помощью переводчика можно понять о том, что остальной мир в курсе о проблемах и программах, о Шеховцовой и судействе на ОИ, а также о том, как и скакими оценками они получили 1-е место на национальном первенстве...(от Еленки с ФСО) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/blogs/go-fi...article1414214/

timoty: Лика, что-то по этой ссылке не получается.

Наталия: Да,у меня тоже показывает не найдена!!

Лика: News BusinessInvestingSportsLife+ Show all sections Sigh. Watching the reigning world ice dancing champions from Russia try to recover from injury is painful, very painful indeed, especially with the Vancouver Olympics only weeks away. Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin are in a race against time and they’re losing, although you wouldn’t know it by the stellar marks they received by homeland judges, giving them an easy victory in their national championship last week. Domnina and Shabalin haven’t been seen all season, because Shabalin is the one with all the injury problems. His knee in particular is in shatters, and ice dancers, above all, need their knees. Shabalin had meniscus surgery done on his right knee in May, 2007, and four months later, went under the knife again to remove his appendix. In December 2007, he had surgery to repair a meniscus in the other knee. The team attempted a comeback at the European championships in January, but they had to withdraw after he hurt his knee in a compulsory dance. Who knew compulsory dances could be so dangerous? But for him, they were. He had another surgery on the same knee in March of 2008, causing the team to miss the world championships in Sweden. It’s a tough way to have a career. Finally, for the first time since they miraculously won the world title (and there are legions who say it was a bit of a stretch for judges to say they were better than many couples ranked behind them) Domnina and Shabalin resurfaced last week, and all eyes were on them. Former Olympic dance champion Alexander Gorshkov sat rinkside, watching them grimly and what must he have been thinking? Their original dance is bad. Just really bad. It’s supposed to be done to a national folk tune, and the team got down and dirty and creative, picking very unusual Aboriginal music, with voices used as instruments for a very fascinating sound. It will certainly stand out. Still it reminds one of the African dance done a couple of years ago by creative U.S. bronze medalists Kim Navarro and Brent Bommentre, who have worked from time to time with Natalia Linichuk, who coaches Domnina and Shabalin. Perhaps Linichuk did a little borrowing. Ice dancers are known for their sometimes overwrought costumes, but for their original dance, Domnina and Shabalin take the prize for most overpowering: ropes and stuff hanging everywhere. And blackfaces, which may upset a few people. You don’t know where to look. Maybe that’s a good thing. Perhaps it was meant to distract the spectator (or judge) from what they are unable to do at the moment. The program was bizarre. They were slow and awful. Seventeen seconds passed by before they stroked away from their opening spot. They skated far apart while doing twizzles and midline steps. Shabalin appeared unable to do twizzles. There was a lot of two-foot skating. The lifts were clumsy. The surprising part of it was that Domnina is supposed to be the healthy one, and she made more mistakes than her injured partner in the free dance. She stumbled out of a twizzle. They struggled through every move. The original dance looked as if it had been more well trained. Still, the astronomical marks tumbled out, flooding Domnina and Shabalin with the glow of stardom. Their mark of 45.17 for their tango romantica compulsory dance was the second highest in history, only behind that of Russians Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov when they won the 2005 world championships - at home in Russia, of course. The Russian judges spit out a mark of 66.54 for that dreadful original dance, which ranks fourth on the list of world records, except that thankfully, those marks are only domestic ones, and don’t count because they’re not given out by international judges. For that fumbling free dance? Domnina and Shabalin got 103.06, which is close to the highest marks given this season, right there in the running with Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and their talented archrivals Meryl Davis and Charlie White of the United States. And their presentation marks? Beyond the pale. All that two-foot skating gained them an average mark of 9.39 (out of 10) for skating skills, part of the presentation mark. They were practically perfect in interpretation and choreography, with averages above 9.50 for both, marks rarely seen before this year. Should they be making Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean shiver? None of us knows where this is going to end, but it’s clear that the Russian officials would like to see Olympic medals, no matter what and the marks were their message of intent. Referee of the dance panel at the Russian championships was Gorshkov, who also doubles as head of the ice dancing technical committee of the International Skating Union, with plenty of weight to throw around at the Olympics. And the technical controller at the national dance championships was the ponytailed Alla Shekhovtsova, wife of Russian federation president Valentin Piseev. Shekhovtseva, who always has strong opinions about skaters, will probably show up at the Olympics as a judge or some kind of official, although no one knows why the ISU would ever allow a federation president’s wife to judge. After all, aren’t judges’ marks now rendered anonymous in the new judging system, so their votes can’t be tampered with by federation presidents? So there won’t be any more scenarios like at the Salt Lake City Olympics, when French federation president Didier Gailhaguet was said to pressure French judge Marie Reigne La Gougne into judging for the Russian pair over Canadian pair Jamie Sale and David Pelletier? Watch and see if Shekhovtseva judges on an Olympic panel. There will be a Russian judge on the dance panel, but Russia is guaranteed to be only on the first panel, the one for the compulsory dance. After that, they’d have to survive a draw for subsequent portions of the event. Canada is in the same boat. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/blogs/go-fi...article1414214/

Татьяна: Лика, что это?

Татьяна: Ясно, мир в шоке от выступления ДШ на ЧР? И заранее опасается судейских махинаций с участием Писеева и Шеховцевой в Ванкувере... А ссылка не открывается (страница не найдена)

Татьяна: Артур Вернер 2010-01-01 19:44:32: Немецкие агентства печати распространили информацию о болезни Алёны Савченко, "золотой олимпийской надежды" Германии на ЗОИ-2010 в Ванкувере. Как сообщила агентствам вице-президент Немецкого Союза фигурного катания Эльке Трайтц, в крови фигуристки кажется, найден вирус Эпштейн-Барра, в связи с чем ей поставлен предварительный диагноз, который переводится на русский язык как "железистая лихорадка" или "инфекционный мононуклеоз". В начале следующей недели, получив полный анализ крови, врачи поставят Савченко окончательный диагноз. Пара уже отказалась от участия во всех показательных выступлениях и резко сократила интенсивность тренировок. Под большим вопросом участие спортсменов как на чемпонате Европы в Таллине, так и на Олимпийских Играх в Ванкувере. В своё время от того же недуга немецкая фигуристка Таня Шевченко была вынуждена сделать перерыв на полгода.

Лика: Татьяна, это статья из английской газеты. Странно, у меня через раз открывается. Ой, что-то у Алёны Савченко обнаружили заболевание и под вопросом их выступление на ЧЕ и ОИ... Как жаль.. То-то я не поняла, когда на шоу в Оберстдорфе 30.12 вышли не они , Таня В. и Станислав М. Правда комментатор что-то говорила, но я прослушала, а оно вот какое не приятное известие.

Чайка: А что это за болезнь? Какие у нее последствия?

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